Meet the Team

Kim Seabrook – Chair

Kim is one of the founding trustees of Arthritis Matters, helping to set up the Charity in 2005. Kim developed rheumatoid arthritis in her late teens and had a hip replacement in 1995 and since then has various revisions.

Secretary – position currently vacant

Hilary Goldson

Hilary is also a founding trustee. She has had rheumatoid arthritis for over 35 years and has had several joint replacements. She benefits from both tai chi and hydrotherapy.

Karen Jay – Treasurer

Karen became a trustee in 2008 and has had rheumatoid arthritis for over 45 years and has had several joints replaced.

Cyrilene Tollafield

Cyrilene joined Arthritis Matters over 8 years ago and became a trustee in 2018. She is a polio survivor and was  diagnosed with arthritis in knees, hips and shoulders 15 years ago and finds that hydro and tai chi helps to keep her going.

Deborah Catherall

Deborah Catherall

Deborah joined Arthritis Matters in 2005 and became a trustee in 2007 and she has osteoarthritis and psoriatic arthritis.